act relating to free negroes, passed at December session eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-one, chapter three hundred and
twenty-three, as reads in the following words, "unless be-
fore leaving the State, he deposits with the clerk of the
county in which he resides, a written statement of his ob-
ject in doing so, and his intention of returning again, " or
be and the same is hereby repealed
A supplementary act to an act entitled, an act relating to the
City Hotel, at Frederick.
Passed Jan.
16, 1845.
WHEREAS, the trustees of the City Hotel of Frederick,
appointed in a deed of trust of a certain Joseph Talbot, or
appointed or to be appointed in virtue of an act entitled,
an act relating to the City Hotel of Frederick, passed at
the December session, one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-four, are by said deed of trust and said act limited
to the powers and estate in said deed mentioned; AND
WHEREAS ALSO, it appears on application of the stockhold-
ers in the property in said deed granted, that said limita-
tion is highly detrimental and of great inconvenience to the
general interest of said stockholders—Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That from and after the passage of
this act, the said trustees or a majority of them, shall have
power and they arc hereby authorised, from time to time
to sell any portion or portions of the said property in the
said deed mentioned, or any other property which may be
hereafter purchased by the said trustees, under the provi-
sions of this act as hereinafter mentioned, and with the
proceeds of the sale or sales thereof, to make any and every
such alteration therein by the removal of old and the erec-
tion of new buildings, and every such other improvement
therewith connected, as may to them in their discretion
seem calculated to advance the general interest of said
stockholders therein.
Trustees may
sell, &c.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said trustees or
a majority of them, shall have power and are hereby em-
powered to purchase, or to contract for the purchase of
any real or personal estate which they may regard as
necessary or advantageous to the general interest of the
stockholders aforesaid, in and relating to the said property
in said deed of trust specified as aforesaid.
Trustees may
purchase, &c.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That all deeds made by, or to
said trustees, or a majority of them, for the sale or purchase
Deeds made
valid, &c.