to Havre-de-Grace, and they, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby authorised to confirm
the said road, as laid out under the direction of the above-mentioned act, or to alter the same, if in
their judgment the said road hath not been laid upon the best ground, and in the best direction to
suit the landholders over which the same may be laid, and the public convenience; and in case the
said commissioners of review, or a majority of them, should judge it proper to alter said road, they
are hereby directed and required to lay oat, survey, mark and bound, the said road, as altered by
them, beginning at Clark's store, on the Rock Run road, and thence by John Austin's mill, to in-
tersect the main road leading from Belle-Air to Havre-de-Grace, at or near a place called Stump's
Old Fields, and shall return a plot thereof to the clerk's office of said county, to be there recorded;
provided that the said road shall not be carried through any building, orchard, meadow, garden or
yard, without the consent of the owner thereof.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That die levy court of Harford county be and they are hereby em-
powered and directed, at their first meeting after the said plot shall be returned, if the said com-
missioners should judge proper to alter said road, or after the confirmation of the load by the said
commissioners as already laid out, or at any subsequent court, by warrant under their hands and
seals, to appoint an overseer or overseers to open and clear the said road, agreeably to the said plot,
or confirmation, as the case may be, in the same manner as other roads are by law directed to be
opened and cleared, and the said overseer or overseers shall have the same allowance as other over-
Court to ap-
point an over-
seer, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court of Harford county be and they are hereby em-
powered and directed, at any time after the said road shall be confirmed by the said commissioners,
or a plot by them returned, if they should alter the same, to assess and levy, upon the assessable
property of said county, such sum of money as they in their judgment shall deem necessary to be
applied to the opening and clearing said road, which said sum of money shall be collected and paid
over as other county charges.
Money to be
levied, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the road, opened and cleared under the provisions of this act,
shall when the same shall be finished and completed, be amended and kept in repair in the same;
manner as other public roads in Harford county.
Road to be a.
mended, &c.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the damages, if any, sustained by individuals over whose land
the said road herein directed to be reviewed may run, shall be ascertained according to the provis-
ions in the eleventh section of an act, entitled, An act to streighten and amend the public roads in;
Harford county, and for other purposes, and the same, when ascertained in manner aforesaid, shall
be levied, collected and paid, as other county charges are levied, collected and paid.
Damages to be
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners of review, hereby appointed, shall have
an allowance of two dollars for each day they shall attend in discharge of their duties herein
An ACT to confirm and make valid certain proceedings of the or-
phans courts in different counties of this state, or the justices
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1806.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that the orphans courts, or the justices
thereof, of several counties in this state, have proceeded to take the sheriffs bonds under
the provisions of the act, entitled, An act investing temporary powers in the several clerks of the
several counties of this state, passed at the last session of assembly: And whereas doubts have
arisen as to the validity of the same; for remedy whereof,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all sheriffs bonds that have been
taken, either in or out of court, by the justices of several orphans courts of this state, shall have
the same force, validity and effect, as if the same had been taken by any of the judges of the com-
mon law courts of this stare.
Bonds to have
force, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all proceedings of the several sheriffs, who have given bond
agreeably to the provisions of the act aforesaid, shall be and the same are hereby confirmed.