practicable, to prohibit the importation of Slaves into the United States from the const of Africa, the West.
Indies, or elsewhere.
RESOLVED, That the Governor be and he is hereby requested to transmit copies of the foregoing resolution
to our senators and representatives in congress, also to the executives of all the different States in the Union
with a request that the same may be laid before their respective Legislatures for their concurrence.
RESOLVED, That John C. Bond, having nearly paid the balance of principal and interest of six per cent, on
the sums due from him to the state as sheriff, be and he is hereby released from the nine per cent, additional
interest incurred by non-payment of the principal and interest within the time limitted by law, upon his paying
the balance due by him, together with six per cent, interest, on or before the first day of January, eighteen
hundred and eight.
Whereas the auditor general was directed, by a resolution passed at the last session of the general assembly,
to examine and report to the general assembly what sum of money, if any, is due to William Amos, senior, of
Harford county, on account of a claim therein specified: And whereas the auditor-general has made a report
unfavourable to the petitioner, from the want of sufficient vouchers to support the said claim, and the said Wil-
liam Amos alleges, that he will be able to produce such testimony as will be sufficient to substantiate his claim
aforesaid, to the satisfaction of the auditor, upon further time being given him; therefore, RESOLVED, That
the auditor be and he is hereby required to examine and report to the next general assembly, what sum of mo-
ney, if any, is due to William Amos, senior, of Harford county, on account of expences incurred by him in
superintending the execution of a commission which issued in behalf of the state, at the instance of the late
intendant, to settle the lines of a tract of land lying in Harford county, called The Grove, whereby the state
has been very materially benefitted.
RESOLVED, That the holders of bills of exchange drawn or issued by the treasurer of the western shore as
commissioner appointed by the act of assembly, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and seventy-
nine, entitled, An act for calling out of circulation bills of credit emitted by act of assembly, are entitled to
receive from this state the amount and principal of the said bills of exchange and certificates, with interest
thereon from the dates of the said bills and certificates respectively, and the costs of protest.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised to pay out of any unap-
propriated money in the treasury, to the holders and possessors of the said bills of exchange or certificates is
sued by the treasurer of the western shore, as commissioner, by virtue of the aforesaid act of assembly, the
amount of the said bills of exchange or certificates by them respectively held and possessed, together with inte-
rest thereon from the respective dates of such bills of exchange and certificates, and the costs of protest, and
the treasurer is hereby directed to pay the bills, interests and costs, at the par of exchange.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore credit the bond of Thomas Jackson and Henry Haskins
with the neat amount of four and three quarter acres of land, at ten dollars per acre, with interest from the date
of said bond.
RESOLVED, That the senators of this state in the congress of the United States, be and they are hereby re
quested to use their utmost efforts and endeavours to prevent the passage of a law in congress, for erecting
bridge from the city of Washington across the Patowmack river, as being destructive of the free navigation of
that river, guaranteed by the solemn compact entered into between Virginia and Maryland, as highly disadvan-
tageous and injurious to the substantial interests of a large part of this state, and on the ground that no mani-
fest imperious public good at this time, and in the present state of the population of the city of Washington or
the district, demands such a sacrifice on the part of Maryland.
RESOLVED, That the governor be and he is hereby requested to forward a copy of the above resolution to our
senators in congress.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the order of the governor the sum of two thou
sand dollars, one thousand of which shall be applied to the repairs of the government property, and one thousand
dollars in the purchase of such furniture as he may deem necessary.
RESOLVED, That the governor be required to lay before the next general assembly an account of the manner
in which the said money shall have been applied.
RESOLVED, That ail the right, title and estate, of the state of Maryland, of, in and to the land and premises,
to wit: All that tract of part of a tract of land called Pretty Prospect, lying now in the district of Columbia,
conveyed in mortgage to the state of Maryland by Uriah Forest, by deed, bearing date on the twenty eight
day of February, eighteen hundred, be and the same is hereby released unto Philip Barton Key, and his heirs.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the attorney-general of this state be and he is hereby authorised and required,
the name and on behalf of this state, to execute such conveyance or conveyances to the said Philip Barton Key
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