ford county, and that part of said road leading through Baltimore county remaining in many parts of
it impassable, renders all that has been done by Harford county, and the, expenditure of Baltimore
county, in opening said road through the same, of little use, by reason of which the desirable object
of both said counties 'is altogether defeated, and that part of the state deprived of the convenient
and very advantageous communication between the city of Baltimore and the river Susquehanna,
contemplated by the law which directed the said road to be opened; for remedy whereof,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Baltimore county
shall be and they are hereby authorised and directed to appoint a supervisor for the said road, leading
as aforesaid from Baltimore, through Belle-Air, to the Peach Bottom Ferry, and the said supervisor
is hereby authorised and directed to hire such a number of men as the levy court shall think proper,
and at such wages as the said levy court shall direct, to clear and repair said road within the limits
of Baltimore county, and to make the same conveniently passable for carriages of burthen, except
such part thereof, for the opening and clearing of. which a sum. of money was directed to be levied
upon Baltimore county by an act passed at November session, eighteen hundred and four, and the
expence of clearing and repairing the part of said road as aforesaid is hereby directed to be defrayed
by the said levy court from the funds for the support of the criminals in Baltimore county, out of
any, surplus money therein.
An ACT authorising the drawing of a lottery to defray the expence
of building a masonic hall in the city of Baltimore.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by a committee appointed by the grand
lodge of Maryland, that they are anxious to build a masonic hall in the city of Baltimore,
but that their funds are inadequate to carry into effect the laudable purpose contemplated by their
memorial, and they have prayed that a law may pass authorising the persons herein after named to
raise by lottery the sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars: And whereas by an act, entitled,
An act to erect Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, into a city, and to incorporate the inhabitants
thereof, the drawing of lotteries within the said city is confined to special purposes; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from and after the passage of this
act, it shall and may be lawful for the mayor and city council of Baltimore to authorise doctor John
Crawford, Roger Nelson, Alien B. Duckett, Samuel Ringgold, John Johnson, John Scott, Edward
J. Coale, Jacob Small, John Snyder, James Sloan, Christopher Hughes, Samuel Vincent and Peter
Little, or any five or more of them, to institute a scheme or schemes of a lottery or lotteries within.
the said city, and to dispose of tickets therein at any place within this state, for the purpose con-
templated by this act, under such limitations as the mayor and city council shall by ordinance direct.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the ground which may be purchased for the purpose aforesaid,
together with the buildings and improvements that may be erected thereon, shall and the same is
hereby vested in the grand lodge of Maryland, to be by them held as property is now held and en-
joyed by any corporate body within this state.
Passed 28th of
January, 1806.
An ACT to appoint commissioners to lay out anew the town of Not-
tingham, in Prince-George's county, and for other purposes therein
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of sundry inhabitants of
the town of Nottingham, in Prince-George's county, several of whom are the principal pro-
prietors of the lots in said town, that many inconveniencies are experienced from the uncertain location
thereof, the present arrangement of the streets, and other incidents appertaining to the regulation
of property, by which the petitioners are sensibly affected, together with the disorder constantly oc-
curring at the public wharf, interfering; with the regular lading and unlading of vessels, and the
free access of the ferry boats to the landing places, and they have prayed that an act may pass, em-
powering commissioners to make an accurate survey of the said town, to establish permanent boun-
daries throughout the same, and to ascertain and perpetuate the true location thereof, having regard
to the former streets, lanes and alleys, and not incommoding the present buildings, the expences of
such resurvey to be defrayed by all those who are benefitted thereby, in proper proportions, us may
be determined by the said commissioners, or a majority of them; and the prayer of the petition be-
ing deemed reasonable, therefore,
Passed 28th of
January, 1806.