eighteen hundred and five, recorded among the land records of Frederick county, in liber W. R.
No. 27, folios 195, 196, 197, 198 and 199, to hold the land aforesaid unto him the said Ignatius Da-
vis, for such estate therein as his grandfather Meredith Davis was entitled to, and no other.
C H A P.
C H A P.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to incorporate companies
to make several turnpike roads through Baltimore county, and for
other purposes.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that in pursuance of the powers vested
in the commissioners of the Baltimore and Reister's-town turnpike road by the act to which
this is a supplement, that they have opened subscription books,. and that there has been subscribed
the amount of the capital stock authorised by said act on said road, and they have petitioned that
they may be permitted immediately to commence turnpiking the same; and this assembly being of
opinion that their prayer is reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That so much of an act, entitled, An act
to incorporate companies to make several turnpike roads through Baltimore county, and for other
purposes, as restrains the president and managers of the Baltimore and Reister's-town turnpike road
from commencing their work on said road until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and eight,
or that is in anywise inconsistent with this act, shall be and the same is hereby repealed.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners mentioned in
the act to which this is a supplement, and they are hereby required, to hold their first election for
managers on the first Monday in April next, under the regulations and restrictions, and to be con-
ducted in the manner, prescribed in the act to which this is a supplement.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the proceedings of the said commissioners, in taking the sub-
scriptions: aforesaid, be and they are hereby confirmed, and declared to be as binding on the sub-
scribers as though they had been made on the day or days prescribed in the aforesaid act.
Passed 25th of
January, 1806.
An ACT to confirm an act, entitled, An act to provide for the trial
of facts in the several counties of this state, and to alter, change
and abolish, all such parts of the constitution and form of govern-
ment as relate to the general court and court of appeals.
WHEREAS at a session of assembly, begun and held at the city of Annapolis on the fifth day
of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four, an act of as-
sembly, entitled, An act to provide for the trial of facts in the several counties of this state, and to
alter, change and abolish, all such parts of the constitution and form of government as relate to the
general-court and court of appeals, was passed, to alter and repeal those parts of the constitution
and form of government that are therein mentioned: And whereas the said act of assembly hath been
published in due form for the space of three months next before the late general election of delegates
to the house of delegates, according to the provisions of the constitution and form of government,
and this, general assembly hereby intend to confirm the said act,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said act, entitled, An act to
provide for the trial of facts in the several counties of this state, and to alter, change and abolish,
all such parts of the constitution and form of government as relate to the general court and court of
appeals, be and it is hereby confirmed and made valid to every intent and purpose therein mentioned.
Passed 25th of
January, 1806.
An ACT to lay out and open a road from the Pennsylvania line by
John Frey's forge, on Octorara creek, to the tide water on the
Susquehanna, in Cecil county.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of sundry inhabitants
of Cecil county, that they labour under great inconveniencies for the want of a road leading
Passed 25th of
January, 1806.