C H A P.
contained in such account hath been paid, or otherwise secured or satisfied, and if the person or
persons owing such taxes or officers fees shall neglect or refuse to pay the same, it shall and may be
lawful for the said securities, or a majority of them, or the survivors of them, or their agent, to
collect the same by execution or distress of property of the person or persons so refusing or neglect-
ing, and to sell and dispose thereof at public auction, giving ten days notice, exclusive of the day
of notice and the day of sale, by public advertisement at the most public places in the neighbour-
hood, and at the court-house door of the county, of the day and hour of sale.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the collection books and memorandums of the said sheriff and
collectors, and his and their deputies, shall be delivered to the said securities, or a majority of them,
or to their agent., on demand, and shall be deposited, in the clerk's office of Queen-Anne's county,
to be fully inspected and examined, (without cost or charges, ) by any person or persons who shall
apply for that purpose; and the person or persons in whose hands the books and memorandums afore-
suid may now be, shall, before he or they deliver them to the said securities, make oath before a just-
ice of the peace, that he, she or they, hath not, directly or indirectly received any part or parcel of
the money or tobacco which, was due and payable to the said James R. Pratt, as sheriff, or to the
said John B. Hackett and Richard E. Harrison, or either of them, as collectors, of the county afore-
said, nor any security or satisfaction for the same, more than is credited in said books.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said securities, and the survivors of them, shall have the
same commission on the collection aforesaid as the said sheriff and collectors would have been enti-
tled to, and that, all arrearages collected in virtue of this act, shall be fairly applied to the discharge
or the sums due by the securities for the respective years in which the said arrearages ought by law
to have been collected. ''
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to take away or
deprive the respective debtors for taxes, other public dues and officers fees, of the same remedies
which they had against the original sheriff and collectors, in cases where nothing is alleged to be
due, or the distress or execution are illegally conducted, but the same shall exist in full force and
virtue against the said securities, and each of them.
Passed 25th of
January, 1806.
An ACT confirming the title of Ignatius Davis to the land therein
WHEREAS Ignatius Davis has, by his petition to this general assembly, among other things,
set forth, that his grandfather, Meredith Davis, being seized in fee of a tract of land called
Good Luck, lying formerly in Prince-George's county, but since the division of the counties, now
lying in Frederick county, conveyed five acres, part thereof, unto William Mathews and Henry Bal-
linger in fee, by deed, bearing date the seventh day of April, seventeen hundred and thirty-nine, for
the purpose of erecting thereon a house or houses of public worship for the religious society of peo-
ple called Quakers; what the said William Mathews and Henry Ballinger, both afterwards died, and
their respective heirs at law videlicet, William Mathews and Daniel Ballinger, on the twenty-ninth
day of the second month, seventeen hundred and ninety-two, executed a deed, purporting to convey
the land in the former deed mentioned, unto Anthony Poultney, Moses Farquhar, Stephen Howell,
Joseph Haines, William Wood, lsaac Wright, William Ballinger and Amos Farquhar, and their
heirs, as joint tenants in trust, for the same purposes as are expressed in the deed aforesaid from
Meredith Davis to William Mathews and Henry Ballinger; that the meeting-house having long since
rotted down, and the said land been disused as a place of public worship, the aforesaid religious so-
ciety of people called Quakers have consented that the land aforesaid should be conveyed unto the
aforesaid lgnatius Davis, and that accordingly the aforesaid Anthony Poultney, Moses Farquhar,
William Wood, Isaac Wright, William Ballinger, Amos Farquhar and Joseph Haines, (the afore-
said Stephen Howell being dead. ) executed a deed, bearing date on the twentieth day of April,
eighteen hundred and five, purporting to convey unto him, the said Ignatius Davis, in fee, the land
aforesaid, but doubts having arisen as to the validity of the aforesaid title, the said Ignatius Davis
hath prayed that a law may pass confirming his title therein; and the prayer of the petitioner ap-
pearing reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the title of the said Ignatius Davis
be and the same is hereby. confirmed and made valid as to all the land purporting to be conveyed unto
him by the aforesaid Anthony Poultney,. Moses Farquhar, Joseph Haines, William Wood,, William
Ballinger, Isaac Wright and Amos Farquhar, by deed, bearing date on the twentieth day of April,