C H A P.
or stand in any of the streets or lanes laid off in virtue of this act the same shall be permitted to
continue, bat shall not, at any time hereafter, be permitted to be repaired or rebuilt.
XL AND, whereas many lots are owned by persons living at a distance, who cannot be compelled
to bear a part of the expence under this act, BE IT ENACTED, That the grantor, or first layed
out of such lot, shall be and he is hereby made answerable to the commissioners for the amount
of expence incurred in fixing and establishing the same, and shall be entitled to recover the money
so paid from the proper owner.
XII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all conveyances for any lot or lots in Cumberland, heretofore
made, having a reference to a particular number of any lot in the plot of said town formerly made
out, but never recorded, shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be, as good and available
law, to all intents and purposes, as though the said conveyance had been made since, and actually
had a reference to the plot by this law directed to be made out and recorded, the commissioners
aforesaid taking care and having regard to fixing and assigning to any number so conveyed, the pre-
cise spot, or particular lot, originally intended to be conveyed, and making the number in the plot
returned correspond with the first conveyance.
XIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That an act for erecting a town at the mouth of Will's creek, pass-
ed at November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-sis, chapter twenty-seven, be and the same
is hereby repealed, no proceedings having taken place under it.
Passed 27th of
January, 1806.
An ACT authorising the chancellor in certain cases to decree con-
veyanees for land, the title to which is in British subjects.
WHEREAS it has happened that many citizens of this state have purchased land lying within
this state, and hold the same under a contract alone for the conveyance thereof, the legal ti-
tle being outstanding in British subjects, or vested by law in this state, who come within the mean-
ing and purview of the act of assembly passed at October session, seventeen hundred and eighty
entitled, An act to seize, confiscate and appropriate, all British property within this state, and the
said purchasers, in some instances, having paid the whole, and in others, a great part of the pur-
chase money, and are desirous to complete their contract,, and to obtain a legal title to their land
and doubts having been entertained whether there exists any competent authority to execute con-
veyanees to the said purchasers; for remedy whereof,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That in all cases in which any, citizen of
this or any of the United States shall have purchased any land lying within this state, the legal title
to which is now outstanding in a British subject, or vested bylaw in this state, or who now has
fair and equitable claim to any such land which had been so purchased, it shall and may be lawful
upon a bill being filed in the court of chancery, either by the claimant of such land, or the party
who claims to be paid the purchase money for the land so sold, and upon making the attorney-gene-
ral a party, for the chancellor to proceed according to the established principles of equity and the
rules of the court of chancery, to hear and determine the equity between the parties, and the chan-
cellor shall thereupon proceed to decree to the. parties legally entitled thereto, the money still re-
maining due for the purchase of the said land, in case any shall be due, and to decree a conveyance
of the said land, and in case none of the said money shall be due, or in case the party shall comply
with the decree of the court, by paying the money decreed, that then and in such case the chancel-
lor shall, in the name of the state of Maryland, convey to the said party or parties having a legal
claim to the said land, all the right and estate which is vested in any British subject, or in the state
of Maryland by virtue of the several acts of assembly of this state.
Passed 27th of
January, 1806.
An additional supplement to an ad, entitled, An ad to lay out and
establish a road from the city of Annapolis to the city of Wash-
ington, and to repeal the act therein mentioned.
WHEREAS by the act to which this is an additional supplement, commissioners were appoint
ed to open, clear and grub, a road, not exceeding thirty feet wide, from the city of Anna-
polis to the city of Washington: And whereas the said commissioners have neglected to cause a part