such clerk or register, that he or she, as the case may be, is the identical person who was manu-
mitted or freed as aforesaid.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That where any negro or negroes, born free, shall wish to travel out
of, or leave, the county in which he, she or they, were born, such negro or negroes shall apply to
the clerk of the county where he, she or they, shall reside, to grant him, her or them, a certificate
of their freedom, and the said clerk shall, upon sufficient evidence of such negro or negroes so ap-
dying being born free, grant to such negro or negroes a certificate thereof, setting forth the manner
in which such negro or negroes became entitled to his, her or their freedom, and shall describe such
negro or negroes in such certificate, in the same manner as is prescribed in the first section of this
act; and the said clerk shall keep a registry thereof, and shall not grant any other certificate to any
such negro or negroes, unless upon such testimony of his, her or their having lost the former certi-
ficate of his, her or their freedom, as is required from negroes who have been manumitted or freed
as before mentioned.
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for each and every certificate of freedom granted under this act,
the clerk or register, as the case may be, shall receive fifty cents, as a compensation for his trouble.
Passed 25th of
January, 1806,
A Further supplement to an act, entitled, An act to incorporate com-
panies to make several turnpike roads through Baltimore county,
and for other purposes.
WHEREAS by an act, entitled, An act to incorporate companies to make several turnpike
roads through Baltimore county, and for other purposes, passed at the last session of assem-
bly, a company has been incorporated for the purpose of making a turnpike road from Baltimore
through Westminster, in Frederick county, under the style and name of The Baltimore and Reis-
ter's-town Turnpike Company; and as it is deemed highly proper to extend the great and important
advantages resulting from turnpikes to the citizens of the western part of the state in general,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said company be authorised and
empowered to extend the said turnpike road from Westminster to the forks of the road where Stern's
tavern now is, thence on to Taney-town, thence on to Emmitsburgh, and thence to the Pennsylva-
nia line, under the same regulations and restrictions, and entitled to the same tolls and immunities
and advantages, as they are authorised to take and receive by the act to which this is a supplement,
provided a majority of the stockholders of said company shall agree to the extension of the said road
within three years from their first meeting, and provided the said extension shall be completed in
twelve years from the date hereof.
III. AND, whereas by the act passed at the present session of assembly it is provided, that a new
election shall be held for managers of the Baltimore and Reister's-town turnpike company, on the
first Monday in April next, and the election being held on so late a day may much impede the ope-
rations of the company, therefore, BE IT ENACTED, That it shall and may be lawful to hold the
election of managers of the Baltimore and Reister's-town turnpike company on the third Monday in
February next, any thing in the aforesaid act to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed 25th of
January, 1806.
An ACT for the benefit of Andrew Hamilton, of Prince-George's
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of Andrew Hamilton,
of Prince-George's county, that a certain Joshua Howard, administrator de bonis non, of
Ephraim Howard, obtained judgment against a certain John Hamilton in the county court of the
county aforesaid, upon which judgment a writ of fieri facias was issued, directed to the sheriff of the
county aforesaid, which writ the said sheriff laid on a tract of land in said county, called Hamilton's
Purchase, and returned the said writ to the county court of the said county, endorsed "laid, but not
sold, by order of the plaintiff's attorney; " upon which return a writ of venditioni exponas was issued,
and the said tract of land was, by Thomas Macgill, then sheriff of said county, exposed to sale,
and the said Andrew Hamilton became the purchaser; that the said Thomas Macgill died without
making any return of the said last mentioned writ, and without executing a deed to the said Andrew