and an extension thereof to the point of intersection with
the southern boundary of the U. S. Agricultural Research
Center; thence easterly with the southern boundary of the
U. S. Agricultural Research Center to its intersection with
the southern right-of-way line of Edgewood Road; thence
easterly along the southern right-of-way line of Edgewood
Road to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way line
of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; thence southerly by
and with the eastern right-of-way line of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad to the southern boundary of the Town
of Berwyn Heights; thence easterly by and with the said
southern boundary lines of the Town of Berwyn Heights
to [an intersection with the boundary of the Town of
Greenbelt on] the eastern side of the Edmonston Road;
thence southerly [by and with the boundary lines of the
Town of Greenbelt, ] along the eastern side of the Ed-
monston Road, to an intersection of said boundary with
the prolongation of the northern right-of-way line of
Calvert Road extended; thence westerly along the pro-
longation and the said northern right-of-way line of Cal-
vert Road to the west bank of the Northeast Branch;
thence southerly along the west bank of the said Northeast
Branch to the southern boundary of Kropp's Addition to
College Park; thence westerly along the said southern
boundary of Kropp's Addition to College Park to the
eastern boundary of the property of the University of
Maryland and Athletic Board, Inc.; thence southerly and
westerly along the respective eastern and southern boun-
dary lines of the said property of the University of Mary-
land and Athletic Board, Inc., to the eastern right-of-way
line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; thence southerly
with the easterly line of said railroad 155 feet more or less
to a point; thence westerly parallel to and 150 feet distance
from the southerly line of Albion Road in a westerly
direction to the western line of the Baltimore-Washington
Boulevard; thence northerly along the western line of the
Baltimore-Washington Boulevard to the point of beginning.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the pur-
poses of determining whether the residents of the Terri-
tory hereinabove described desire the same to be annexed
to the Town of College Park, there shall be held an election
on the first Monday in May, 1953, and said Mayor and
Common Council are hereby appointed a committee for
the purpose of conducting said election.
Not less than fourteen (14) days before said election,
said Mayor and Common Council shall cause a notice
thereof to be published once in a newspaper with general