OF LAW ONLY to the Circuit Court for Dorchester
County, provided that such appeal is taken within
ten days from the date of the action appealed from.
No person instituting charges against the said Chief of
Police or policemen may sit on the Police Board to hear
and determine such charges. The Commissioners of Cam-
bridge may withhold the salary of any police officer
involved in such charges, as defendant, pending the out-
come and final determination of such charge or charges.
The number of policemen who shall comprise the Police
Force of the City of Cambridge shall be increased from
time to time as in the discretion of the said Police Board
may be appropriate, provided that said Police Force shall
consist of a minimum of one Chief of Police, one Lieuten-
ant, one Sergeant, and one Policemen per one thousand
population of the City of Cambridge and provided that
an increase in the number of policemen above the minimum
shall be dependent upon the Commissioners of Cambridge
making available sufficient funds for such increase and
provided that there shall not be more than one Chief, one
Lieutenant and one Sergeant. The salaries shall be pay-
able on the fifteenth and last day of each month by the
City Treasurer from the General Levy made for the
purpose of maintaining a police department in such sums
as the Commissioners of Cambridge may designate. The
said Police Board may appoint one or more special police-
men, as occasion may require with all the powers of a regu-
lar policeman, to act as watchmen and preserve the peace at
any public gathering; or at any private place, when request-
ed, provided the applicant for such special service shall pay
the whole of the salary of such special policemen, and may
also appoint such special policemen to serve for not more
than thirty days on the regular or special force, as they
may from time to time deem necessary or expedient to
preserve the peace and order of the City of Cambridge or
any portion thereof. The Secretary to the Board of Police
Commissioners shall provide the Commissioners of Cam-
bridge with a copy of the minutes of each meeting of the
said Police Board at the next regular meeting of the Com-
missioners of Cambridge following a regular or special
meeting of the said Police Board.
75. It shall be the duty of every officer of police and
every policeman to report to the [board] Chief of Police,
and deliver to [them] him all property seized or found
by said officer of police or policeman, immediately after
the same shall have come into their possession, which prop-
erty, with the date of delivery and description of the same,
and the name of the officer or policeman depositing the