Cambridge (hereinafter referred to as the City), to under-
take all, some or any of the public improvements listed in
Section 2 of this Act, the said City is hereby authorized and
empowered, at one time or from time to time, to borrow a
sum or sums of money not exceeding Two Hundred Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00), upon the terms and con-
ditions and subject to the limitations set forth in Section
3 of this Act, and to evidence said borrowing by the issu-
ance to the lender or lenders of its general obligation,
serial maturity coupon bonds, in like par amount.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the City, by
action of its Commissioners, shall have full and complete
authority and power to expend the proceeds realized from
the sale of all or any of said bonds upon any capital im-
provement of the City, either within or outside its corporate
limits, which it is now maintaining and operating by au-
thority of law or which it has legal authority to construct,
maintain and operate, and to allocate said proceeds among
said capital improvements and to change such allocations
as conditions or actual expenditures may dictate, provided,
however, that unless the National Defense Program, or
the shortages or costs of labor and materials occasioned
thereby, shall, in the judgment of the Commissioners, re-
quire the indefinite postponement of any of the following
projects, approximately Two Hundred Thousand Dollars
($200,000.00) of said bond proceeds shall be allocated to
improvements to the municipal sewage disposal plant,
which shall be given priority in the City's improvement
program and the balance of said proceeds shall be allocated
among the following projects, in such proportions and
amounts as the Commissioners of the City, shall, from time
to time, determine;
(a) To repair and improve municipal sewage system
(b) To conduct a survey of the down town area to de-
termine possible location of future new streets
(c) To grade, pave, curb and gutter new and existing
streets and sidewalks
(d) For any necessary miscellaneous corporate repair or
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That said bonds, and
the coupons attached thereto, shall be in such form and
denominations and shall be executed and delivered in such
manner as the City may from time to time decide, such
decision, however, to be made, with respect to each particu-