thereafter calculate the amount of franchise tax to be paid
by the said savings bank, institution or corporation, at the
rate hereinbefore mentioned, and shall apportion [one-
fourth] one tenth ONE-FOURTH of the same to be paid
to the Treasurer of Maryland, for the State tax, and
the other [three fourths] nine tenths THREE-FOURTHS
of the same to the county in which such savings bank,
institution or corporation is situate, or to the City of
Baltimore, if such savings bank, institution or cor-
poration be situate in said city, and shall certify the
said amount due to the State to the Comptroller of the
Treasury, to be collected as other State taxes, and the
amount due to the counties in which such savings banks,
institutions or corporations are severally situate, to the
County Commissioners for such counties, respectively, and
the amount due to the City of Baltimore to the [Appeal
Tax Court] Bureau of Assessments of such city, to be
collected as other county and city taxes due from corpora-
tions are collected; and the portion of such franchise taxes
to which the State is entitled, shall be payable, without
interest, at any time on or before August first of such year,
provided the account is mailed by the Comptroller to the
savings bank liable therefor, on or before July first; and
if the account shall not be mailed until after July first,
the same shall be payable without interest, at any time
within thirty days after the mailing of the account; if the
portion of such tax to which the State is entitled, be not
paid on or before August first, or within thirty days after
the mailing of the account, as above provided, then the said
tax shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of one-half
of one per cent, for each month or fraction of a month;
and if the portion of the tax to which the State is entitled
be not paid before the first day of December following, a
penalty of five per cent, on the amount thereof shall be
added. The portion of such franchise tax to which any
county or the City of Baltimore is entitled, shall be due and
payable, respectively, as ordinary county and/or city taxes
are due and payable by law, and, if unpaid, shall be in
arrear, and shall bear interest as other such taxes.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect July 1, 1953.
Approved May 7, 1953.