174. In addition to the usual license fees now provided
by law, each owner applying for the special license plates
provided for in Section 173 shall pay to the Commissioner
of Motor Vehicles an additional annual fee of [Three
($3. 00)3 Four ($4. 00) Dollars, said annual fee to be paid
for the whole or any part of the calendar year for which
said special license plates are issued.
Sec. SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That Sec-
tion 187 of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1951 Edition), title "Licenses", sub-title "Public Freight
Motor Vehicles", be and it is hereby repealed and re-
enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
187. It shall be the duty of each owner of a motor ve-
hicle to be used in the intrastate public transportation of
merchandise or freight, operating over State, State-aid, im-
proved County roads, and streets and roads of incorporated
towns and cities in the State of Maryland: (1) to secure
a permit from the Public Service Commission of Maryland
to operate over said roads and streets; (2) to present same
to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles annually at the
time and according to the method and provisions pre-
scribed by law for the making of applications for regis-
tration tags in the case of all other motor vehicles; (3)
to make an application in writing for registration with the
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, and to state in said ap-
plication besides other other matters by law provided: (a)
the carrying capacity as given by the manufacturer of
such motor vehicles; (b) the route on which such motor
vehicle is to be used; (c) whether reserve or substitute
motor vehicles are maintained by the applicant to be used
only in emergencies; and if so, the number of such reserve
and substitute motor vehicles and a complete description
of each, such motor vehicle when in use to be designated
by a special marker to be furnished by the Commissioner
of Motor Vehicles; (d) the length of the route in miles on
State, State-aid, improved [country] County roads, and
streets and roads of incorporated towns and cities; (e) the
weight of the vehicle when empty; and (f) the schedule
under which it shall be operated; and for each such motor
vehicle, except reserve or substitute vehicles an annual fee
shall be paid to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles for cer-
tificates of registration issued by him as follows:
(1) Commercial vehicles with two axles and equipped
with pneumatic tires other than those electrically operated
shall be divided into six classes based upon the gross ship-
ping weight of the chassis as given and certified to by the