A copy of the application filed with the Commissioner
of Motor Vehicles shall be forwarded to the State Roads
Commission, which shall thereupon compute the fee payable
by each motor vehicle owner for each motor vehicle for
which application for registration has been made.
Such computation shall be based upon the mileage to
be traversed by said motor vehicle upon all highways having
a hard, smooth surface, composed of gravel, shells, crushed
stone, concrete, paving blocks, asphalt, or other similar
The State Roads Commission shall have authority, in
disputed cases, to determine which roads and streets upon
which such motor vehicles are to be operated should be
included in the computation.
The State Roads Commission, after making such com-
putation, shall forthwith certify the same to the Commis-
sioner of Motor Vehicles, whereupon the fee shown to be
payable by said computation shall immediately be paid by
such motor vehicle owner to the Commissioner of Motor
170. The license fees prescribed by Section 169 shall
not be applicable to any motor vehicle operated exclusively
within the corporate limits of any municipality of this
State or within any territory under the jurisdiction of the
Federal Government, or to any motor vehicle when such
vehicle is operated exclusively on a route, one fixed term-
inus of which is within the corporate limits of any munici-
pality of this State, or of any territory under the jurisdic-
tion of the Federal Government and the other fixed termi-
nus of said route is not more than sixteen miles from the
corporate limits of any such municipality or of any such
territory. For each such motor vehicle, including reserve
and substitute vehicles, an annual fee shall be paid to the
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles for certificates of regis-
tration issued by him, of [Four Dollars ($4. 00)] Six Dol-
lars ($6. 00) per each passenger seat, and no other addi-
tional fees, licenses or tax shall be charged by the State or
any county or municipal subdivision of the State, except
the property tax and gasoline tax in respect to such ve-
hicles and their operation. For each such motor vehicle,
the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall furnish a dis-
tinctive marker or tag, which marker or tag shall be car-
ried and displayed in such manner as directed by the Com-
missioner of Motor Vehicles.