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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 1255   View pdf image (33K)
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Arthur M. Zile, Westminster
Walter L. Spurrier, Mt. Airy
John D. Young, R. F. D. Westminster
H. C. Jefferson, Sykesville
Bernard L. Sieverts, Hampstead
David J. Reedy, Westminster
Randall G. Spoerlein, New Windsor
Thomas S. Gordon, Manchester

two of whom shall serve terms of one, two, three, four,
and five years respectively, the duration of said terms to
be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
All members of the Commission shall serve as such without
compensation. After the original terms of the members
designated by this section have terminated, the remaining
members of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall
designate two other persons to serve on said Commission
for a full five year term. Members may, after a public
hearing be removed by the County Commissioners of Car-
roll County for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance
in office. The County Commissioners of Carroll County
shall file a written statement for reasons for such removal.
Vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration
of term shall be filled by the Planning and Zoning

300C. The Planning and Zoning Commission of Carroll
County shall elect its chairman from amongst its members
and create and fill such other of its offices as it may
determine. The term of chairman shall be one year, with
eligibility for re-election. The Commission shall hold at
least one regular meeting each month. It shall adopt rules
for transaction of business and shall keep a record of its
resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations,
which record shall be a public record.

300D. The Planning and Zoning Commission of Carroll
County may appoint such employees as it may deem neces-
sary for its work. The Commission may also contract with
city planners, engineers, architects, and other consultants
for such services as it may require. The expenditures of
the Commission, exclusive of gifts, shall be within the
amounts appropriated for the purpose by the County Com-
missioners of Carroll County, which shall provide the
funds, equipment, accommodations necessary for the Com-
mission's work.

300E. It shall be the function and duty of the Planning
and Zoning Commission of Carroll County to make and


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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 1255   View pdf image (33K)
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