ing or in possession of any kind of firearm and requiring
the possession of a hunter's license for hunting or shoot-
ing any vermin or unprotected birds in Baltimore County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That three new sections be and they are hereby added to
the Code of Public Local Laws of Baltimore County (1948
Edition), being Article 3 of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Maryland, title "Baltimore County", said new sections
to be known as Sections 118A, 118B and 118C, to follow
immediately after Section 118 thereof, and to be under
the new sub-title "Title 10A. Firearms"; that Section 417
of said Code, sub-title "Title 29. Trespass", and Section
125 (a) of Article 66C of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1951 Edition), title "Natural Resources", sub-title "Birds,
Game and Inland Water Fish", sub-heading "Hunter's
License", be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments, all to read as follows:
Title 10A. Firearms
118A. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to fire
or discharge any (pistol, rifle, shotgun with any heavier
than No. 2 shot within the limits of the Metropolitan Dis-
trict of Baltimore County, as the same is described in
Section 337 of this Article and as the same has been or
may be added to from time to time, under the provisions
of Section 338 of this Article.
(b) The Police Department of Baltimore County shall
post in the County Court House and also in every police
station and sub-station throughout the county, accurate
maps designating the locations of the boundary lines of
the said Metropolitan District as set pursuant to the pro-
visions of Sections 337 and 338 of this Article.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be held to apply to or
prohibit the discharge or firing of any such firearms on
permanently located, properly posted and bona fide target
ranges, the location of which has ben filed with the Police
Department of Baltimore County; nor to the firing or dis-
charge of any such firearms if the same is reasonably
necessary for the defense of life or property; nor to the
discharge or firing of any such firearms on any military
occasion when the same is done under the orders of an
officer in command thereof.
118B. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person under
the age of twenty-one years to purchase, trade or acquire
in any other manner, or to use or possess, or to attempt