appointment is hereinafter provided for, a Joint Commis-
sion to study passenger carrier facilities and services in the
Washington metropolitan area. The Speaker of the House
of Delegates of Maryland shall appoint one of its members,
the President of the Senate shall appoint one of its mem-
bers and the Public Service Commission of the State of
Maryland shall appoint one of its members who shall be
the Maryland representatives of this Joint Commission;
and be it further
Resolved, That the Joint Commission herein provided
for be requested to consider the adequacy of present
passenger facilities and services in the Washington Metro-
politan Area, and the rates charged for such services, and
whether joint action by the State of Maryland, the District
of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Virginia is neces-
sary or desirable in connection with the regulation of
passenger carrier facilities operating in such area and the
provision of adequate, non-discriminatory and uniform
service therein; and be it further
Resolved, That the members of this Commission make
a report of their findings and recommendations to the re-
spective bodies from which they are appointed.
Approved April 2, 1954.
No. 13
(House Joint Resolution 10)
House Joint Resolution urging the Maryland Delegation in
the Congress .of the United States to vigorously oppose
the plan of the Federal Government to pump billions of
gallons of Pennsylvania mine water into the Chesapeake
Bay and requesting the United States Bureau of Mines
to reconsider their action and not approve of such dump-
ing of mine water into the Bay.
WHEREAS, The Federal Government proposes to pump
billions of gallons of mine water into the Chesapeake Bay;
EXPLANATION : Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.