No. 1
(Senate Joint Resolution 1)
Joint Resolution requesting the Department of Legislative
Reference to conduct an Orientation Conference for
newly elected members of the General Assembly.
The members of the General Assembly of Maryland have
learned with interest of the Orientation Conferences now
conducted in more than half of the States of the Union for
the benefit of newly elected members of their State Legis-
The problem in Maryland is that at the regular elections
held every four years approximately two-thirds of the
members elected to the General Assembly are without
previous legislative experience. As new members, they are
to take their places in a body which is entirely different
from any other groups or organizations.
The conferences conducted in other States may last
anywhere from two hours to two days. Those States hav-
ing the very short conferences generally hold them at the
time their new Legislatures are convened. The States
having longer conferences frequently hold them in advance
of the session in order that nothing will interfere with the
The subjects which can be covered at a conference will
vary directly with the amount of time set apart for it. A
discussion of legislative procedures and of legislative rules
is probably the most important of all the items to be cov-
ered. Some discussion also might well be given to the
availability of the legislative and other services for mem-
bers of the Legislature, including the drafting of bills, the
securing of financial information and the securing of ma-
terial from the several State departments. Still other pos-
sibilities for the conference would be a consideration of
EXPLANATION : Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.