(1951 Edition), title "Health", sub-title "Adulteration of
Food and Drink", providing that the licensing require-
ments relative to the manufacture for sale within this
State of soft drinks and other non-alcoholic beverages
shall apply to non-resident manufacturers as well as
resident manufacturers.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 160 of Article 43 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1951 Edition), title "Health", sub-title "Adul-
teration of Food and Drink", be and it is hereby repealed
and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:
160. No person, firm or corporation shall manufacture
for sale within this State in bottles ea? , jugs OR ANY
OTHER CONTAINER any soft drink or other non-alco-
holic beverage (except apple cider) [within this State]
without having first applied for and having received
a license from the State Board of Health. Said appli-
cation shall contain the name of the applicant, his
address, and the location of his manufacturing plant or
plants, the name of the beverage or beverages manufac-
tured, and such other pertinent information as shall be
prescribed by the State Board of Health in pursuance of
the provisions of sections 160-173. The application shall
be accompanied by a fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00),
upon receipt of which application and fee the State Board
of Health shall issue to said applicant a license for the
manufacture of the beverages mentioned in this section.
Said license shall extend for one year from the date of its
issue, unless sooner revoked, as herein provided, and shall
be renewed annually thereafter. A license may be denied
at the time of application if the establishment of the appli-
cant is known to be in an unsanitary condition or if the
water supply is known to be dangerously polluted. No soft
drink or other non-alcoholic beverage (except apple cider)
not manufactured in this State shall be sold or offered for
sale in the State of Maryland, unless same is first inspected
and registered with the State Board of Health, and an
inspection fee of Five Dollars ($5.00) for each brand of
such drink or other non-alcoholic beverage bearing a dis-
tinguishing flavor or name shall be paid by said manufac-
turer, his agent or dealer, to the State Board of Health,
same to be renewed annually; provided that no one manu-
facturer (either personally or through his agent or dealer)
shall be required to pay annual inspection fees in excess of
$25.00, upon brands of such drink manufactured by him,
irrespective of the number of his said brands inspected
and registered.