Bailiffs] Police Officer or Police Officers shall be a resident
taxpayer upon real estate in said town, and shall have at-
tained the age of twenty-one years and shall hold such position
for such time as the Morningside Council shall determine.
Such [Bailiff or Bailiffs] Police Officer or Police Officers may
be removed at any time from such position by resolution of
the Morningside Council.
(E) That said Board shall, [on the first Monday in April
if not a legal holiday, then on the day following, and also] on
the second Monday in April, if not a legal holiday and if a
legal holiday, then on the day following, conduct a registra-
tion of the qualified voters of said town.
(F) That said registration shall be conducted on the [two
days] day named, between the the hours of [9] 3 o'clock
[A. M. ] P. M. and 10 o'clock P. M. at the regular meeting
place of the Morningside Council, unless said Council shall,
by resolution entered in the minute book of said Council,
appoint a different place.
(I) That said Board of Election Supervisors shall deter-
mine the qualifications and rights of each applicant to reg-
ister by asking such applicant the following questions, which
shall be answered under oath, by such applicant: (1) Are
you a citizen of the United States? (2) Have you been a bona
fide resident of the Town of Morningside for at least six
months? (3) Have you attained the age of twenty-one (21)
years? Should the answers of such applicant be in the affirma-
tive to each such question, it shall be the duty of said Board
to allow such applicant to register, which registration shall
be considered to be permanent registration for all town
elections so long as the person so registered shall remain a
qualified voter in the said town. But should such applicant
refuse to answer all such questions, or should the answer of
such applicant be in the negative to any such question, then
such applicant shall not be allowed to register. Should any
applicant answer any such question falsely, he shall be guilty
of the crime of perjury and subject to the penalties provided
by the laws of the State of Maryland. Any applicant who
feels that he has been aggrieved by any ruling of said Board
as to his eligibility to register may appeal to the Circuit Court
for Prince George's County, which Court shall determine such