agency of the City government shall submit to the City Mana-
ger a work program for the year, which program shall include
all appropriations for the operation and maintenance of the
department or agency, and for acquisition of property therefor,
and shall show the requested allotments of said appropriations
for such department or agency by months for the entire fiscal
year. The City Manager, with the assistance of the head of the
Finance Department, shall review the requested allotments in
the light of the work program of the department or agency con-
cerned, and may, if he deems it necessary, revise, alter, or
change such allotments before approving the same. The ag-
gregate of such allotments shall not exceed the total appropria-
tion available to said department or agency for the fiscal year.
The head of the Finance Department shall authorize all ex-
penditures for the departments and agencies to be made from
the appropriations on the basis of approved allotments and not
otherwise. The approved allotments may be revised during the
fiscal year by the City Manager, subject to the approval of the
K. (Custody of City Moneys. ) All moneys received by any
department or agency of the City for or in connection with the
business of the City shall be paid promptly into the treasury,
and be deposited with responsible banking institutions, which
shall be designated by the City Manager in accordance with
regulations established by ordinance. These depositories shall
be subject to such requirements as to security for deposits and
interest thereon, by bond or otherwise, as may be established
by law or ordinance. All interest earned on moneys belonging
to the City shall accrue to the City.
L. (Independent Audit. ) As soon as practicable after the
close of each fiscal year, an independent audit shall be made
of all accounts of the City government by a qualified public
accountant or accountants, selected by the Council. He or they
shall have no personal interest directly or indirectly in the
financial affairs of the City government or of any of its officers.
The facts and figures disclosed by this audit shall promptly
after its completion be published in some newspaper having
general circulation in the City. If an audit is required to be
made by State officials under the provisions of State law for
the inspection and audit of municipal accounts, the Council
may accept such State audit as fulfilling the requirements of
this sub-section.
M. (Bond BONDS OF Officers. ) The Council may require
any of the officers of the City to give bond in such amount and
with such sureties as it may deem necessary, conditioned for
the faithful performance of their duties. The Council shall
require the custodian of the City's funds to be bonded in an