for expenses and clerical hire in the performance of the duties
imposed upon it by this sub-title, as may be reasonable and
necessary. All said expenses shall be paid by the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore in precisely the same way as com-
pensation and similar election expenses are now provided to be
paid by law.
231. Any person who shall wilfully sign any false applica-
tion or oath, and any person who shall wilfully do any act
contrary to the terms and provisions of this sub-title with
intent to cast an illegal vote or to aid another in so doing, and
any person who shall in any way wilfully violate any of the
provisions of this sub-title, and any person who shall fail or
refuse to perform any duty imposed upon him by the provisions
of this sub-title, and any person who shall apply for a ballot
under any other name than his own, shall, upon conviction
thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1, 000 or be
sentenced to the penitentiary for not more than two years, or
be sentenced to both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion
of the Court. In all other respects the penalties provided in
this Article, and any amendments thereto shall apply.
232. All provisions of law not expressly repealed by this
sub-title shall remain in full force and operation, insofar as
they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this sub-title,
and all laws, and parts thereof, and all rules and regulations,
adopted thereunder, insofar as the same are inconsistent with
the provisions of this sub-title, are suspended hereby to the
extent of such inconsistency.
233. If any part, section, paragraph, clause, sentence or pro-
vision of this sub-title, or any application thereof, is held
invalid for any reason, the remainder of this sub-title and other
applications thereof shall not be affected thereby and to this
end the provisions of this sub-title are declared to be severable.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That notwithstanding any
provisions contained hereinabove in this Act, the following
provisions shall apply to the primary and general municipal
elections to be held in the City of Baltimore in the year 1951:
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 213 herein-
above, requiring the municipal primary election to be held on
the Tuesday which is nine weeks or sixty-three days prior to
the Tuesday next after the first Monday in May of the year in
which the municipal elections in said City of Baltimore are to
be held, the said municipal primary election in Baltimore City
in the year 1951 shall be held on the first Tuesday of April, as
provided in Section 57 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code