to follow immediately after Section 94 of said Article, and to
read as follows:
94A. (a) It is the declared policy of this State that it is
necessary to regulate and control the sale and distribution
within the State of winces and liquors, for the purpose of fos-
tering and promoting temperance in their consumption and
respect for and obedience to the law. In order to eliminate
price wars, which unduly stimulate the sale and consumption
of wines and liquors and disrupt the orderly sale and distribu-
tion thereof, it is hereby declared as the policy of this State
that the sale of wines and liquors should be subjected to the
following restrictions, prohibitions and regulations. The neces-
sity for the enactment of the provisions of this section is,
therefore, declared as a matter of legislative determination.
(b) The Comptroller is authorized and directed, by regula-
tion, to prescribe the maximum discounts which may be
allowed by any manufacturer or wholesaler in the sale and
distribution of various quantities of wines and liquors. Said
regulation may also, in the discretion of the Comptroller, pro-
hibit the giving of discounts by any manufacturer or whole-
saler in the sale and distribution of any or all quantities or
kinds of wines and liquors.
(c) The Comptroller is authorized and directed, by regula-
tion, to require the filing, from time to time, by any manufac-
turer or wholesaler or non-resident dealer, of schedules of
prices at which wines and liquors are sold by such manufac-
turer or wholesaler or non-resident dealer, and further to
require the filing of any proposed price change. Said regula-
tion shall provide that the effective date of any proposed price
decrease shall be postponed for such period of time as the
Comptroller may prescribe sufficient to permit notice thereof
to other manufacturers or wholesalers selling similar wines
and liquors and an opportunity for the same to make a like
price decrease. Said regulation shall also provide that any
manufacturer or wholesaler or non-resident dealer proposing
to sell any wines and liquors not currently being sold by the
same shall first give notice to the Comptroller of the prices at
which such wines and liquors are proposed to be sold; and
said regulation shall further provide that sales of such wines
and liquors shall not be made for such period of time as the
Comptroller may prescribe sufficient to permit notice thereof
to other manufacturers or wholesalers selling similar wines
and liquors and an opportunity for such other manufacturers
or wholesalers to alter the price of such similar wines and
liquors so as to make that price comparable to the price fixed
by the manufacturer or wholesaler proposing to sell wines and