35 degrees 45 minutes East 231. 73 feet to an iron pipe and,
thence, still binding on said Gildea lot. South 54 degrees 15
minutes East 205. 69 feet to an iron pipe set on the northwest
side of the Right of Way of the Bel Air Road, and on the
northwest side of the sidewalk, and thence, binding on the
northwest side of the Right of Way of the Bel Air Road, North
36 degrees 54 minutes East 60. 01 feet to an iron pipe set at a
corner of the lot now owned by Dewey F. Bowman, and run-
ning thence, binding on the said Bowman lot and on the north-
west side of the Right of Way of the Bel Air Road, North 36
degrees 54 minutes East 100. 00 feet to intersect the Old Cor-
porate Limits and, thence, running with and binding on said
Old Corporate Limits, as surveyed by Somerville & Somerville
in 1929, North 36 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds West 1. 14 feet
to the place of beginning.
91B. The following area is hereby added to the Town of Bel
Air: Beginning for the same at a concrete monument marking
the Old Corporate Limits of the Town of Bel Air and at the
end of the North 43 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East 353. 59
foot line of the survey of the said Old Corporate Limits made
by Somerville & Somerville, 1929, and as set forth in the Acts
of 1941, Chapter 304; said point being therein described as a
corner of the lands of E. S. Reed and Edward Greer, and run-
ning thence binding reversely on said North 43 degrees 55
minutes 30 seconds East 353. 59 foot line of said Old Corporate
Limits as re-surveyed by Glen C. Deaton, 1947; South 35 de-
grees 09 minutes West 3. 00 feet and, thence, leaving said Old
Corporate Limits and binding on the dividing line between the
lands of Stephen Moore and of the Board of Education of
Harford County; South 36 degrees 40 minutes East 650. 08
feet to an iron bar and, thence, binding on the southeast side
of Tract B as shown on the Plat of Kenmore Addition, which
Plat is recorded among the Land Records of Harford County
in Liber D. G. W. No. 189, folio 417; North 50 degrees 21
minutes East 973. 50 feet to an iron bar and, thence, continuing
said course, North 50 degrees 21 minutes East 75 feet more
until it intersects the South 30 degrees 51 minutes 30 seconds
East 925. 00 foot line of the Old Corporate Limits at a point
475. 00 feet from the end thereof and, thence, running reversely
therewith and reversely with other lines of said Old Corporate
Limits according to the former survey, North 30 degrees 51
minutes 30 seconds West 450. 00 feet to an iron pipe at the
southwest corner of Lot No. 73 of said Kenmore Addition,
thence, with the westerly side of said lot, North 59 degrees 08
minutes 30 seconds East 194. 40 feet to an iron pipe at the
northwest corner of said Lot No. 73 and, thence, with the
southwest side of Kenmore Avenue, North 30 degrees 51 min-