sub-title "Bel Air", said new sections to be known as Sec-
tions 91A and 91B and to follow immediately after Section 91
thereof, extending the boundaries of the Town of Bel Air, in
Harford County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That two new sections be and they are hereby added to
Higinbotham's Code of Harford County (1942 Edition), being
Article 13 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title
"Harford County", sub-title "Bel Air", said new sections to be
known as Sections 91A and 91B, to follow immediately after
Section 91 thereof, and to read as follows:
91A. The following area is hereby added to the Town of Bel
Air: Beginning for the same, at a white flint stone, the begin-
ning of a survey of the Corporate Limits of the Town of Bel Air
made by Somerville d Somerville in 1929, and as set forth in the
Acts of 1941, Chapter 304, and running thence, binding on said
Old Corporate Limits as then surveyed, reversely, North 36 de-
grees 48 minutes 30 seconds West 526. 52 feet to a stone; North
3 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds West 212. 60 feet to a stone;
North 5 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds East 379. 15 feet to a
piece of iron pipe; North 32 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds
West 1335. 00 feet and, thence, still bounding on said Old Cor-
porate Limits but as recently re-surveyed, South 49 degrees 06
minutes West 218. 78 feet to a concrete monument marked BTL
1929; and, thence, leaving the lines of the Old Corporate Limits
and running for new boundary lines, extending through and
across the lands of Friedrich H. Kelly, South 49 degrees 06
minutes West 101. 22 feet, thence, South 40 degrees 19 minutes
East 380. 00 feet, thence, South 49 degrees 26 minutes West
320. 00 feet, thence, South 40 degrees 19 minutes East 703. 00
feet, thence, South 49 degrees 26 minutes West 490. 33 feet,
thence, South 40 degrees 34 minutes East 379. 36 feet, thence,
South 48 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds East 601. 30 feet to a
stone, a corner of the land of Edna McC. Deaton and thence,
running with a dividing line between the lands of Friedrich H.
Kelly and of Edna McC. Deaton, South 48 degrees 04 minutes
30 seconds East 161. 99 feet, and thence, leaving the Deaton
land, North 35 degrees 45 minutes East 22. 94 feet to an iron
pipe heretofore set at a corner of the lands of Lester B. Staley
and wife, thence, binding on the division line between the lands
of the said Staleys and of Frederick H. Kelly, North 35 degrees
45 minutes East 103. 05 feet to an iron pipe, and, South 54 de-
grees 15 minutes East 100. 00 feet to an iron bar at the corner
of the lot of the said Staley and the lot of George D. Waters
and wife, and thence, binding on the said Waters lot, North
35 degrees 45 minutes East 200. 00 feet to an iron bar and,
thence, binding on the lot of John F. Gildea and wife, North