the performance of any service, or for the sale of any article
on the premises of such licensee, and may regulate the size of
the purse, stake or reward to be offered for the conduct of such
races. Each licensee may deduct and retain for its own account
one-half (½) of the breakage computed to the 10¢ and [6%]
5½% of the mutuel pool, [including any deduction required
by the Commission as its agent pursuant to the provisions of
Section 12 of this Article but] exclusive of the 4% State tax
imposed by Section 14 of this Article and exclusive of the
special tax imposed by Section 12 of this Article as a source of
funds for grants toward capital improvements of those licensed
under Section 7 of this Article. All contracts and agreements
for the payment of money and all salaries, fees and compensa-
tion paid by any person or persons, association or corporation
licensed as hereinbefore provided, and all proposed extensions,
additions, or improvements to the buildings, stables, improve-
ments or tracks upon property owned or leased by such licensee
shall be subject to the approval of the Commission. Said Com-
mission shall have power to compel the production of any and
all books, memoranda or documents showing the receipts and
disbursements of any person, corporation or association,
licensed under the provisions of this Article to conduct race
meetings. The Commission may at any time require the re-
moval of any employee or official employed by any licensee
hereunder. The Commission shall also have the power to re-
quire that the books and financial or other statements of any
person, corporation or association licensed under the provi-
sions of this Article shall be kept in any manner which to the
Commission may seem best, and that the Commission shall
also be authorized to visit, to investigate and to place expert
accountants and such other persons as it may deem necessary,
in the offices, tracks or places of business of any such person,
corporation or association, for the purpose of satisfying itself
that the Commission's rules and regulations are strictly com
plied with, and the salaries and expenses of such expert ac-
countants or other persons shall be paid by the person, corpora-
tion or association to whom they are assigned. The said
Commission shall have power to summon witnesses before it
and to administer oaths or affirmations to such witnesses when-
ever, in the judgment of the said Commission, it may be
necessary for the effectual discharge of their duties; and any
person failing to appear before said Commission at the time
and place specified in answer to said summons, or refusing to
testify, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
indictment and conviction in a Court of competent jurisdiction
shall be punishable by a fine of not more than Five Thousand
Dollars ($5, 000) or by sentence to jail for not more than six
months, or by sentence to both fine and imprisonment, in the