Polio 311 of the Land Records of Prince George's County,
and running by and with the said line, reversed, N. 53° 59'
W. 2846. 6 feet to a stone; thence continuing N. 53° 59' W.
along the prolongation of the said eleventh line of Mueller to
Gilbert, reversed, to its intersection with the prolongation of
the present western boundary of the University of Maryland
property extended in a southerly direction; thence northerly
by and with the prolongation and said western boundary lines
of the University of Maryland [and United States Bureau of
Mines properties to the northwest corner of the University of
Maryland property, formerly of the Buckley farm] to the
centerline of University Lane; thence westerly with the center-
line of University Lane to its intersection with the easterly
line of Colesville Road; thence northerly with the easterly line
of Colesville Road to its intersection with the centerline of
Metzerott Road; thence easterly with the centerline of Met-
zerott Road to intersect one of the westerly lines of a convey-
ance from Metzerott to the University of Maryland; thence
with the westerly, northerly and easterly lines of the Metzerott
to University of Maryland conveyance to intersect the present
boundary of the Town of College Park, said point being the
southwesterly corner of Block A, Crystal Springs Subdivision;
thence easterly by and with the northern boundary lines of the
University of Maryland property, formerly of the Buckley
farm, to a pipe binding on the southerly end of the western
line of a 30 foot strip of said property, said pipe being S. 4° 13'
E. 573. 33 feet, along the said western line, from a stone on the
southern line of Metzerott Road; thence N. 85° 31' E. 30 feet
to a pipe binding on the eastern line of the aforesaid 30 foot
strip, said pipe being N. 4° 13' E. 564. 3 feet from a stone on
the southern line of Metzerott Road; thence southeasterly by
and with the line between the Albert F. Woods and Katinka B.
Bewley properties to the center line of the Paint Branch;
thence northerly along the center line of the said Paint Branch
to its confluence with Little Paint Branch; thence northerly
by and with the center line of Little Paint Branch to the
southern right-of-way of Cherry Hill Road; thence easterly
along the southern right-of-way of Cherry Hill Road to its
intersection with the western right-of-way of the Baltimore-
Washington Boulevard, thence northerly along the western
right-of-way of the Baltimore-Washington Boulevard to its
intersection with the projection of the southern right-of-way
line of Edgewood Road; thence easterly along the southern
right-of-way line of Edgewood Road, which is the northern
boundary line of sub-division known as Hollywood-on-the-Hill,
to its intersection with the boundary of the Town of Greenbelt;
thence southeasterly by and with the said boundary of the
Town of Greenbelt to its intersection with the eastern right-of-