(House Bill 532)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 2,
Section 3 (a), (e) and (f), and Section 4 of the Charter of
the Town of College Park, in Prince George's County, as en-
acted by Chapter 1051 of the Acts of 1945, incorporating the
said Town, as amended by Chapter 68 of the Acts of 1947 and
Chapter 149 of the Acts of 1949, and to add one new sub-
section to Section 3 of s(aid amended Charter, to be known
as Sub-section (g) to follow immediately after Sub-section
(f) of said section as said sections and sub-sections were
re-enacted by Chapter 149 of the Acts of 1949, Prince
George's County, the purpose of the amendments being to
extend the corporate limits of the said Town; to change the
boundaries of the fifth district; to create a new district
therein and provide for a councilman to represent said new
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 2, Section 3 (a), (e), and (f), and Section 4
of the Charter of the Town of College Park, in Prince George's
County, as re-enacted by Chapter 149 of the Acts of 1949, in-
corporating the said Town, be and they are hereby repealed and
re-enacted, with amendments, and that one new sub-section be
and is hereby added to Section 3 of said Chapter 149 of the
Acts of 1949, Prince George's County, said new sub-section to
be known as Sub-section (g), and to follow after Sub-section
(f), as said sections and sub-sections were re-enacted by said
Chapter 149 of the Acts of 1949, and to read as follows:
2. The corporate limits and boundaries of said Town shall
be as follows:
To include certain properties lying within the Riverdale
and Berwyn Districts, Prince George's County, Maryland, and
as described in the following metes and bounds: Beginning
for the same on the western line of the Baltimore-Washington
Boulevard, U. S. Route No. 1 (60 feet wide), at a stone about
200 feet north of the line between the Riverdale (No. 19) and
Berwyn (No. 21) Districts, said stone being the southeast end
of the S. 53° 59' E. 2846. 6 feet line (eleventh) of Mueller to
Gilbert dated September 18, 1918 and recorded in Liber 134 at
EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.