land (1939 Edition), be and the same are hereby repealed
and re-enacted, to read as follows:
324. (General Provisions. ) On or before the first
day of July, 1918, and on or before the first day of July
of each year thereafter, the owner of any dog, six months
old or over, shall apply either orally or in writing, to the
County Treasurer or to the tax collecting officer in said
county for a license for each such dog owned or kept by
him, and such application shall be accompanied by a fee
of One Dollar ($1. 00) for each male dog or each spayed
female dog, and a fee of Two Dollars ($2. 00) for each im-
spayed female dog, and provided that a kennel license shall
be issued for Ten Dollars ($10. 00) to persons owning or
keeping not in excess of twenty-five dogs and that a ken-
nel license fee of Twenty Dollars ($20. 00) shall be issued
to persons keeping more than twenty-five dogs. The said
license or fee shall be the only license or tax required for
the ownership or keeping of said dog or dogs. Such a li-
cense shall be issued on a form prepared and supplied by
the County Commissioners. Such license shall be dated
and numbered, and shall contain a description of the dog
licensed. All licenses shall be void upon the first day of
July of the following year. The County Commissioners
shall also furnish, and the County Treasurer, or tax col-
lecting officer issuing the license, shall issue, with each
license, a metal tag. Such tag shall be affixed to a substan-
tial collar. The collar shall be furnished by the owner, and
with the tag attached shall at all times be kept on the dog
for which the license is issued, except when confined in
the kennel or when hunting in charge of an attendant.
(Carroll County. ) In Carroll County the fees for dogs
shall be determined by the County Commissioners of said
(Montgomery County. ) In Montgomery County the
fees for dogs shall be determined by the County Council
of said County.
(St. Mary's County. ) In St. Mary's County the fees
for dogs shall be determined by the County Commission-
ers of said County.
(Talbot County. ) In Talbot County the fee for a male
dog or a spayed female shall be $1. 50 and the fee for an
unspayed female dog shall be $3. 00.
328. Any person may kill any dog which he sees in the
act of pursuing, worrying, wounding or killing any poultry
or livestock, or attacking human beings whether or not
such dog bears the proper license tag required by these