extended, (formerly called North Bentz Street); said stone
No. 14 being 1. 00 feet west of the east fence line along
said street and 750. 0 feet north of the northwest corner of
Lot No. 27, Block I, a subdivision of the Daniel H. Buckey
Tract, dated September 15th, 1927; (14) thence with a
straight line westerly to stone No. 1, the place of begin-
3. The police limits of the City of Frederick shall be
for a distance of one mile from the boundaries of the City
of Frederick. All ordinances heretofore passed or that
may hereafter be passed by the board of aldermen of the
City of Frederick to preserve the peace, order, and quiet
of the City of Frederick or relating to planning and zon-
ing shall apply to said police limits and to all persons there-
in. The trial magistrates in the City of Frederick shall
have the power to apprehend and try any and all persons
violating any of the provisions of said ordinances within
the police limits of the City of Frederick and to enforce
the fines, penalties, and punishment therein prescribed.
4. The City of Frederick shall exercise all govern-
mental powers in any area annexed to it which it exer-
cises within the present limits of the city. All the pro-
visions of the Constitution of the State of Maryland and
the charter of the City of Frederick and other public local
laws applicable to the City of Frederick and all the exist-
ing ordinances of the City of Frederick are hereby ex-
tended and made applicable to such portions of Frederick
County as shall be annexed to and made a part of the City
of Frederick.
5. All of the inhabitants of the territory included with-
in the limits of the City of Frederick by this charter shall
in all respects and to all intents and purposes be subject to
the powers, jurisdiction, and authority vested or to be
vested by law in the City of Frederick, and to all the ordi-
nances of the city now or hereafter in force so far as the
same may be consistent with the provisions of this charter,
and the territory so included shall be taken and considered
as part of the City of Frederick.