156. Protection. The City of Salisbury shall have the
power to do whatever may be necessary to protect public
property and to keep all public property in good condition.
157. Date OATH of Office. The following persons, be-
fore entering upon the duties of their offices, shall make
oath before the clerk of the Circuit Court for Wicomico
County that they will diligently and faithfully, without par-
tiality, favor, or prejudice, and well and truly perform the
duties of their office: The mayor, the members of the coun-
cil, the executive secretary to the mayor, the city treasurer,
the city clerk, the city solicitor, the members of the Board
of Supervisors of Elections, the judges of election, the heads
of all offices, departments, and agencies of the city govern-
ment, and such other officers and employees of the city as
the council may require. Each oath shall be recorded in
the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court for Wicomico
County. A certificate of each oath shall be returned by
him to the council and shall be recorded in the proceedings
of the council. Either of these records or a certified copy
of either of them under seal may be used as evidence in
any court in the state.
158. Personal Interest. Neither the mayor nor any
councilman nor any other officer or employee of the city in
their private capacities shall enter into or make any con-
tract for doing work or furnishing supplies or materials
for the city, nor shall they in any manner participate in
the profits of any contract made by or entering into by
them for the city with any person, firm, or corporation,
Any such contract shall be null and void and not recover-
able at law. This section shall not apply to any stockholder
of a corporation who is not an officer of the corporation.
159. Official Bonds. The city treasurer and such other
officers or employees of the city as the council or this char-
ter may require, shall give bond in such amount and with
such surety as may be required by the council. The pre-
miums on such bonds shall be paid by the city.
160. Deeds. No deed or deeds conveying real estate
or chattels real, situated or located within the corporate
limits of the City of Salisbury, shall be admitted to record
among the land records of the Circuit Court for Wicomico
County until the property thereby conveyed or assigned