berculosis, Bureau of Medical Services and Hospitals, Bureau
of Environmental Hygiene and Bureau of Management. The
Board may establish sub-units within the seven major units,
and all delegation of its powers, duties, responsibilities and
functions shall be to the Director, the major units or the sub-
units authorized herein. The Board may at any time create
additional sub-units, consolidate or abolish existing sub-units,
and modify, revoke, revise and reassign any of its powers,
duties, responsibilities and junctions delegated to the Direc-
tor and the aforementioned major units and sub-units when-
ever it determines such action to be in the best interest of
public health.
34. The [bureau of communicable diseases] State Board of
Health shall secure accurate and complete returns of com-
municable diseases in Maryland; it shall examine into the
prevalence and causes of such diseases and devise means for
their control; it shall examine into and investigate epidemics
and nuisances and devise means for their control; and it shall
publish monthly a bulletin for health officers, [and perform
such other duties and exercise such other functions as the
state board of health or the Director thereof shall designate. ]
37. (a) The [bureau of chemistry] State Board of Health
shall conduct inquiries into the nature, source and vehicles of
infectious diseases, and into the nature and character of
sewage, trades wastes, and into nuisances. It shall examine
and analyze free of cost, public and private water supplies,
milk and such other foods, drinks, confectionery, drugs,
spices and condiments as the board shall direct; it shall
establish and maintain [, under the direction of the state
board of health, ] a properly equipped public health labora-
tory [, and perform such other duties and exercise such
other functions as the State Board of Health or the secre-
tary thereof shall designate. ] to perform these and related
functions, and the services of said laboratory shall be free to
all local boards of health and to all practicing physicians of
the State for inquiries concerning infectious and contagious
diseases and such other matters as the said board may from
time to time direct.
(b) Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed
to repeal or interfere in any way whatsoever with the opera-
tion of the pure food and drug act, [which is entitled "An
Act for preventing the manufacture or sale of adulterated,
misbranded, poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines,
waters, candies and liquors, and regulating traffic therein
within the State of Maryland, and to provide for the punish-
ment of violations of its provisions and to appropriate an