Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me........,
on this...... day of......... 19...
[And shall at the same time file therewith the petition of at
least one hundred (100) qualified voters, requesting such
candidacy, provided no voter shall sign more than one petition
for Mayor or for more than four (4) Councilmen. Each peti-
tion shall be verified by one or more persons as to the qualifica-
tions and residence of each of the persons so signing the said
petition. The said petition shall be substantially in the follow-
ing form:
Petition Accompanying Nominating Statement.
The undersigned, duly qualified electors of the City of Cum^
berland, and residing at the places set opposite our respective
names thereto, do hereby request that the name of..........
be placed on the ballot as a candidate for nomination for
............... at the primary election to be held in the said
city on the.......... Tuesday of............. 19... We
further state that we know him to be a man of good moral
character and qualified, in our judgment, for the duties of
such office.
Names of Qualified Voters. Number. Street.
....................................................... ]
(b) The City Clerk upon application shall provide an appli-
cation blank to any person, containing the form for the state-
ment of candidacy. Any such statement of candidacy filed with
the City Clerk shall be accompanied by a filing fee of Twenty-
five Dollars ($25. 00) if the candidate is filing for the City
Council, or of Forty Dollars ($40. 00) if the candidate is filing
for the office of Mayor; and the City Clerk shall not accept
any statement of candidacy unless it is so accompanied by the
proper filing fee.
(c) Immediately upon the expiration of the time for the
filing of the statements [and petitions] for candidates, the
said City Clerk shall cause to be published for three successive
days in all the daily newspapers in said city [the petitions
which are in proper form, ] the names of the persons as they
are to appear upon the primary ballot, and the said City Clerk
shall thereupon cause the primary ballots to be printed, authen-
ticated with a facsimile of his signature upon the said ballot;
the names of the candidates for Mayor, arranged alphabetical-
ly, shall first be placed, with a square at the right of each
name, and immediately above the names the words "Vote for
One. " Following these names, likewise arranged in alphabetical
order, shall appear the names of the candidates for Council-
men, with a square at the right of each name, and above the