quently classified as a defective delinquent, to reinstate the
said original sentence; and the said Court is authorized and
empowered following such a request to reinstate and reimpose
the said original sentence, and to cause the said person to be-
held in custody therefor, as provided hereinbelow.
(e) If the Institutional Board of Review as a result of its
review and reexamination of any person believes that he has
sufficiently improved to warrant his unconditional release
from custody as a defective delinquent, it shall so inform what-
ever Court has jurisdiction over the person. The Court then
shall make such further study of such person as seems neces-
sary, and may at its discretion summon such person before
it for a further hearing, together with any witnesses whose
testimony may be pertinent and together with any relevant
documents or other evidence. On the basis of such reports,
study and possible hearing, the Court shall determine whether
the person before it shall be released unconditionally from cus-
tody as a defective delinquent, released conditionally on a leave
of absence or parole, returned to the custody of the Bureau
INSTITUTION as a defective delinquent, or returned to the
penal system under the Department of Correction, to serve the
original sentence upon which he was committed prior to being
classified as a defective delinquent, deducting from such orig-
inal sentence the time which has been spent in the custody
of the institution for defective delinquents. The power of
the Court to provide for a leave of absence or parole for any
such person before it shall be the same as that of the Institu-
tional Board of Review, described hereinabove in this section,
except that once the person has entered upon the leave of
absence or parole, the Board shall have the administration of
the terms and conditions of the leave or parole as set by the
Court. If the person before the Court is returned to the cus-
tody of the Bureau INSTITUTION as a defective delin-
quent, it shall continue to be for an indefinite period, without
either maximum or minimum limits, subject to the review
and re-examination by the Institutional Board of Review, as
provided hereinabove in this section.
14. (Juvenile Courts. ) Nothing in this Article shall be con-
strued to extend to or affect any case in a juvenile court or in
the court of a magistrate for juvenile causes, or any person
involved in such case, unless the juvenile court judge shall have
waived jurisdiction in the case so that it may be heard and
adjudicated in a regular criminal court.
15. (Magistrate Courts. ) Nothing in this Article shall be
construed to extend to or affect any case in the court of a