operate in an efficient and effective manner. Provided also,
that the professor of the University of Maryland School of
Law and the member of the Maryland Bar, who are members
of the Advisory Board under Section 46 4 (D) hereinabove,
shall also be members of the Board of Review.
13. (Duties. ) (a) The members of the Board from time to
time shall have the work and duties of the Board as part of
their regular work and duties in the Bureau.
(b) The Board shall review and thoroughly reexamine every
person held in custodial care as a defective delinquent, not less
frequently than once in every calendar year. Such review and
reexamination shall be to determine whether such person shall
remain classified as a defective delinquent, and in making such
determination the Board shall assemble such information, use
such tests and follow such procedures as then are being utilized
in the first instance by the institution for defective delinquents
to indicate the presence of defective delinquency. The Board
shall make a recommendation for the future status and treat-
ment of each person so reviewed and reexamined, in writing,
and a copy of every such recommendation shall be filed with
the records of the Bureau.
(c) If the Board in its review and reexamination of any per-
son shall ascertain that he should remain classified as a defec-
tive delinquent and receive further treatment as such, it shall
so state in its written recommendation filed with the Bureau.
(d) If the Board as a result of its review and reexamination
of any person believes that it may be for his benefit and for the
benefit of society to grant him a leave of absence or parole from
the institution for defective delinquents, it may proceed to
arrange for such leave or parole. Any leave of absence or
parole shall be granted for a period not to exceed one year.
The Board shall review the case before the expiration of that
time and may review it at any time during the year, in order
to make a further or alternate determination. The Board may
attach to any such leave of absence or parole such conditions
as to it seem wise or necessary, including arrangements for the
care and supervision of the person granted a leave or parole,
by his friends or relatives, by the institution for defective de-
linquents or by the Department of Parole and Probation, and
also including as a condition that the said person shall be
steadily employed or otherwise occupied during the time of
such leave or parole. The Board may at any time revoke a leave
or parole, or change the conditions and arrangements therefor.
The Board may also request the Court which imposed upon the
person the original sentence resulting in his being subse-