328 Joint Resolutions
No. 1
(House Joint Resolution 3)
A Resolution commending the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
road Company on its One Hundred Twenty-fifth Anni-
Whereas, one hundred and twenty-five years ago—come
the 28th day of the month of February 1952—the Legis-
lature of the State of Maryland granted the charter of
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, first commercial railroad
of the United States; and
Whereas, on July 4, of the following year of 1828, the
First Stone of the Baltimore and Ohio was laid at Balti-
more by the Grand Lodge of Masons of Maryland, as the
climax of a great celebration held by the people to mark
the event. To Charles Carroll of Carrollton, distinguished
son of Maryland, patriot of the dark days of the American
Revolution, friend of George Washington, and the last
surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence, was
accorded the honor of breaking the ground for the laying
of the First Stone. As he performed this part of the cere-
mony, he said with a vision which time has truly proved
to be prophetic: "I consider this among the most important
acts of my life, second only to my signing the Declaration
of Independence, if even it be second to that"; and
Whereas, one hundred years ago—come December 24
of this year of 1952—the building of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad was completed to the Ohio River, and the
promise of the founders of the railroad to link the Atlantic
and the Ohio, great waterways of commerce, with a road
of steel rails, was thus fulfilled; and
Whereas, this goal was not achieved without great diffi-
culties, for the long history of the Railroad has been beset
with vicissitudes, notably during the Civil War, when
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.