304 Laws op Maryland [Ch. 61
J.F.D. No. 1, folio 6A, from Indusco Farms, Inc., to
The Christian and Missionary Alliance, a religious
corporation of the State of Pennsylvania, with Na-
tional Headquarters in New York City, said deed
being dated the 11th day of October, 1946, and re-
corded among the Land Records of Dorchester County,
Maryland, in Liber R.S.M. No. 59, folio 677, said
lot having a frontage of 55 feet and a depth of 200
7. To a deed dated April 14, 1946 from Cornelius Samuel
to Church of God in Christ No. 4, Incorporated, of
Baltimore, Maryland, conveying the parcel of land
described in said deed, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City in Liber M.L.P. No. 6927,
folio 16, etc.
8. To the conveyance in question in a deed dated Novem-
ber 26, 1889, by Lucy Scott Smith and Edwin Smith
to the Trustees of the Rockville Presbyterian Church
of Montgomery County, Maryland, recorded among
the Land Records of Montgomery County in Liber
J.A. No. 15, at page 375.
9. To bequests contained in the Will of Mamie Dumler,
which was probated in Baltimore City in December,
1943, Liber J.H.B., 211-433, as follows:
(a) To Father Henry J. Iannone, for his own private
use and benefit......................................................$100.00
(b) To Little Sisters of The Poor, Baltimore, Mary-
land, a body corporate........................................$100.00
(c) To Pastor for the time being of St. John the Baptist
Roman Catholic Church, Paca and Saratoga Streets,
| for the use and benefit of said Church and the School
conducted in connection therewith (The Present Pas-
tor is Rev. Salvatore D'Alesandro)................$5,470.27
(d) To Associated Professors of St. Mary's Seminary
in Baltimore City, Incorporated......................$5,470.26
10. To Deed from Edward F. M. Staudt to Full Gospel
Church, Inc., of Baltimore City, dated August 15,
1941, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more City in Liber M.L.P. No. 6201, folio 421, cover-
ing property 2428 Arunah Avenue, Baltimore City,