Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor 27
(2) All income of the University shall be deposited in
the State Treasury, or deposited as that office may direct.
Any surplus over the estimated receipts in any fiscal year
from student income (except the student activities fee, the
athletic fee, and the special fee for student projects), for
the schools at College Park and Princess Anne, and the
Professional Schools in Baltimore, and the income from the
University Hospital, or the State appropriation for these
purposes, shall be available to and expended by the Uni-
versity only if and as it secures the written approval of the
Board of Public Works.
(3) The State Auditor shall annually audit all expendi-
tures and accounts of the University, and report to the
Legislature about same.
(4) The Governor, the State Treasurer, and the State
Comptroller shall be notified of all meetings of the Board
of Regents and shall have authority to sit with the Board,
which authority they may exercise at their convenience.
The State Budget Director, and the Chairman of the Senate
Finance Committee and the Chairman of the House Ways
and Means Committee shall be invited to sit with the Board
in meetings at which requests for appropriations are pre-
(5) The University shall provide the Board of Public
Works, or any member of the General Assembly, with any
information about any phase of operation of the Univer-
sity that may be requested and shall make an annual report
to the General Assembly covering its work. Such annual
report shall clearly indicate, by donor and amount, and
purpose, unless the purpose must be withheld for reasons
of national security, all gifts, grants and dedicated funds
that may have been received by or made available to the
University during the period covered by the report.
(6) The University shall submit its requests for appro-
priations in detail to the Department of Budget and Pro-
curement and shall have the right to use the purchasing
facilities of the department.
(7) Appointments to all positions hitherto or hereafter
created at the University shall be made by the Board of
Regents, from nominations submitted to it by the President
of the University. The Board may from time to time dele-