CHAP. 87.
signation, refusal to act, or removal out of the county
of either of the commissioners appointed as aforesaid,
the Governor shall supply the vacancy occasioned by
such death, resignation, refusal or removal, as the
case may be.
Oath of office.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That every commissioner
appointed as aforesaid, shall, before he enters on the
duties as aforesaid, take and subscribe, before some
judge or justice of the peace, an oath or affirmation,
that he will faithfully, diligently and impartially ex-
ercise the powers and perform the duties of commis-
sioner for Somerset county, as authorized and enjoined
by law, according to the best of his skill and judg-
ment, without being influenced by favor, affection,
hatred, malice or ill will; and that he will, in making
all appointments to office, vote for such persons among
those willing to accept, as in his judgment and belief
shall be most capable and best qualified to perform the
duties of such office; which oath shall be recorded in
a book to be kept among the records of Somerset
county court.
Corporate pow-
ers given.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
appointed as aforesaid and their successors, shall be
and they are hereby constituted a body politic and cor-
porate, by the name, style and title of "the Commis-
sioners for Somerset county;" and by that name shall
have continual and perpetual succession, and be capa-
ble in law of sueing and being sued, of making and
using a corporate seal, and of altering the same; of
taking, holding, selling and conveying all kinds of
estate, property and effects, and of doing all such acts
as shall be necessary to the exercise of all the powers
which are or shall be vested in them by this act, or by
any other act of Assembly, as fully and effectually as
corporate bodies may or can lawfully and rightfully do.
Levy court to
Their powers
and duties to
the commis-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted That when and as soon as
the commissioners to be appointed as aforesaid shall
have taken and subscribed the oath or affirmation here-
inbefore described, all the powers, rights and privi-
leges lawfully exercised by, and all property, estates
and effects vested in the justices of the levy court of
Somerset county, shall be transferred to and vested in
the commissioners of Somerset county, who, or any