CHAP. 59.
years eighteen hundred and thirty, eighteen hundred
and thirty-one, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-three, eighteen hundred and
thirty-four, and eighteen hundred and thirty-five, hath
acted at the same time as a justice of the peace for Anne
Arundel county, in every case, all and singular the act
or acts done, performed or executed by or before
Thomas Allein, as a justice of the peace aforesaid, by
virtue of his official authority under this State, and
within the proper limits of his jurisdiction, shall be
and the same are hereby declared valid and effectual to
ail intents and purposes, in the like manner as if the
said Thomas Allein, at the time of doing or performing
such act or acts, had not held the office of Post Master
under the government of the United States.
Passed Feb. 16,
An act to Incorporate the Caroline County Silk Com-
WHEREAS, sundry citizens in Caroline county in
this State, hereinafter named, have formed themselves
into a society or company, for the purpose of purchas-
ing a farm, cultivating mulberry trees, raising silk
worms, making, manufacturing, and selling silk, and
also to cultivate said farm in other articles for sale,
with a capital of five thousand dollars: — Therefore,
Persons incor-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William Orrell, Parrott Roe, Richard
Jarrell, John Harper, Samuel P. Dunning, James B.
Wilson, Samuel Crawford, Thomas Jarrell, James B.
Way, John Boon, Jr., Thomas Roe, George W. Har-
rington, Philemon Skinner, John McFeely, William
Roe, Anne White, William Genn, Henry Roussett,
John Jump, of P., Sally Ann Priest, John Jump, of
E., Noah Seward, John A. Sangston and William F.
Chilton, and such other persons as shall hereafter be-
come stockholders in. the said company, shall be, and
are hereby created and declared a body politic and
Style — powers.
corporate, by the name, style and title, of the Caroline
County Silk Company, and by the same name shall