CHAP. 44.
mentioned line to Point lane, then southerly twenty
feet, to the beginning.
Passed Feb. 8,
A supplement to an act entitled, an act, to establish State
Warehouses in the City of Baltimore, for the Inspec-
tion of Tobacco, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty-three, chapter one hundred and
sixty-five, and the several supplements thereto.
Inspector ap-
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Governor and Council be au-
thorized, and are hereby required, to appoint an addi-
tional Inspector for the new State Tobacco Warehouse
in Baltimore, the said Warehouse to be known as num-
ber four.
His powers and
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the time of appoint-
ments, duties, and powers of said Inspector, shall in
all respects be the same as are authorized and requir-
ed by the said original act, and its several supple-
Salary $1,200.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the salaries of the
State Tobacco Inspectors, shall be twelve hundred dol-
lars per annum, each.
Account and
annual report
from Inspec-
tors required.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Inspectors of the
several State Tobacco Warehouses aforesaid, shall
keep a separate list for each county, of the number of
Hogsheads of Tobacco, brought into and inspected by
them in their respective warehouses, and report the
same to the General Assembly of Maryland, annually.
Passed Feb. 7,
An act to authorise Bennett Gilbert, Administrator of
Preston M'Comas, late Sheriff of Harford County, to
settle the unfinished business of said late Sheriff.
Authorised as
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Bennett Gilbert, the Administrator of Preston
M'Comas, late Sheriff of Harford County, be and he is