county, of the Columbian Huzzars, or to Major James
H. Gulp, for his use, the following arms, and accoutre-
ments viz: — forty-eight pair of pistols, forty-seven
swords and forty-eight pair of holsters, on the said
Capt. Wilkins, giving bond to the State of Maryland,
to be approved of by the Adjutant General of the State.
NO. 31.
Passed Mar. 19,
Resolution enquiring into the expediency of purchas-
ing from the Executors of Horace Ridout, certain
papers therein mentioned.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the joint committee on the Library, be, and they are
hereby instructed to enquire into the expediency of
purchasing from the executors of Horace Ridout, de-
ceased, the papers belonging to them, which relate to
the early history of this State, and that they report by
bill or otherwise.
No. 32.
Passed Mar. 19,
Resolution authorising the State Librarian, to sub-
scribe to a compilation of Laws by the Honorable
Clement Dorsey.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Librarian of the State Library, be, and he is here-
by authorised to subscribe for two hundred and fifty
copies of the compilation of the Laws proposed to be
published by the Hon. Clement Dorsey, at ten dollars
per copy, and the Treasurer is hereby directed to pay
for the same, when published and delivered, out of any
unappropriated money in the Treasury; provided, that
before the said compilation be paid for. it shall be sub-
mitted to, and approved by any three Judges of the
Court of Appeals: and provided, that the said work
shall be completed and be delivered to the State Libra-
rian within two years next after the date of the pas-
sage of this resolution.