Cokesbury Academy, in Harford county, is hereby
No. 28.
Resolution requiring the Armorer to deliver to Cap-
tain Henry S. Sanderson, certain arms therein men-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Armorer at Annapolis be, and he is hereby direct-
ed and required to deliver to captain Henry S. Sand-
erson, of the city of Baltimore, or his order, fusees
or small muskets, not exceeding one hundred in num-
ber, upon bond being given by him, to be approved by
the Adjutant General.
No. 29.
Passed Mar. 14,
A Resolution placing Priscilla Woolford, on the pen-
sion list.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is
hereby authorized and required, to pay to Priscilla
Woolford of Somerset county, the former widow of
Isaac Handy, out of any unappropriated money in the
Treasury, the half pay of a private during her life, as
a further remuneration for his services during the
revolutionary war.
No. 30.
Passed Mar. 14,
Resolution directing the Armorer at Annapolis, to de-
liver certain Arms and Accoutrements therein nam-
ed, to Captain Edward Wilkins, of Kent County.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Armorer at Annapolis, be, and he is hereby direct-
ed to deliver to Captain Edward Wilkins, of Kent
Passed Mar. 20,