CHAP. 41.
Levy directed.
ers, or a majority of them, an account on oath of the
expenses of surveying. laying out and opening said
road, including two dollars per day to the road com-
missioners for their services, to levy the same on the
assessable property of said county, at their next annual
levy, to be collected as other county charges are now
Assess and pay
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the road commission-
ers or a majority of them shall value and ascertain the
damages that may be sustained by any person or per-
sons through whose land the said road may be made to
pass, and the damages so ascertained shall be levied,
assessed and collected as other county charges now are.
Oath required.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the. said road com-
missioners, before they proceed to act, shall take an
oath or affirmation before some justice of the peace,
that they will, without favor, partiality or prejudice,
assess the damages sustained by the persons through
whose land the said road may pass, if said persons
shall claim damages.
Passed Feb. 9,
An act for building a bridge over Little Elk Creek, near
the Rock Meeting House in Cecil county, on the main
road leading from Dysart's Tavern, to the Blue Bull
named and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That John Mackey, William B. Biles and
James Ewing, be, and they are hereby appointed com-
missioners, to fix upon a site, near the Rock meeting
house, on the main road leading from Dysart's tavern
to the Blue Ball tavern in Cecil county, for building
a bridge over said creek, and the said commissioners
are hereby authorised to erect, or cause to be erected,
a good and substantial bridge, to be done in a. work-
man like manner, and for a sum not exceeding eight,
hundred dollars.
Levy directed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the, commissioners
of Cecil county, be, and they are hereby authorized
and required to levy upon the assessable property of