Penitentiary, and who shall attend to all the duties
now performed by the Executive Committee of that In-
stitution, and to such other duties as may he required
of them by law, or by the order of the Board of Di-
rectors: provided, the same be not inconsistent with
their duties as prescribed by law, or by the rules
and regulations hereinafter established.
CHAP. 320.
Their duties.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Board of Di-
rectors shall annually appoint a Book-keeper, Physi-
cian, Chaplain and Matron, and as many superinten-
dants, deputy keepers, guards and other officers, as
they may deem necessary for the service of the insti-
chaplain, ma-
tron, &c.
tution; and shall also regulate and determine their re-
spective salaries and duties, as far as may not be in-
consistent with the laws of the State, or the rules and
regulations hereinafter established.
Salaries and du-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Warden shall re-
ceive a salary of fifteen hundred dollars, and shall be
allowed the occupancy of such parts of the front build-
ing as a dwelling, as are not now used for the purposes
of the penitentiary, and all necessary out-houses,
yards and grounds not within the walls of the prison
Warden's sala-
ry $1,500.
proper; and neither the warden, nor the directors, nor
any other person shall have the use of any convict ser-
vants in his or their families or otherwise, or enjoy
any emolument or perquisite other than the salaries
and compensation expressly provided or authorised
in this act.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said Warden
shall annually appoint an assistant Warden, who shall
Assistant War-
receive an annual salary of seven hundred dollars,
and perform the duties provided by law, or by the
rules and regulations hereinafter established.
Salary $700.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the Agents of the
Maryland Penitentiary shall each receive a per diem
allowance of two dollars for everyday that they may at-
tend at the prison in the discharge of their duties; but
this act is not intended to require their attendance on
Agents $2 per
Sunday; and the directors shall also receive two dol-
lars each for every day they may necessarily attend
in the discharge of their duties as directors or in the
capacity of Monthly Committee, as hereinafter provi-
Directors $2 per