lished in the second election district in Cecil county,
with powers to take cognizance of such cases as may
lawfully be brought before it, agreeably to the act and
its supplements, establishing magistrates' courts in
the several counties of this State.
CHAP. 277.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Governor, by
and with the advice and consent of the Senate, is here-
by authorised and empowered to appoint three addi-
tional justices for said court.
Additional Jus-
An act directing the Commissioners of the Tax of Car-
roll County to publish, annually, a full statement of
their Receipts and Disbursements.
Passed Mar. 29,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners of the tax of Car-
roll county shall hereafter close their annual levy by
the third week in September in every year, and shall
publish a fair and accurate statement of all receipts
and expenditures of the twelve months next preceding,
in the several newspapers printed in said county, in
the third week in September annually, under the pen-
alty of a forfeiture of the said commissioners, compen-
sation during the twelve months aforesaid, in case of
their failure to make such publication.
Publication di-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said statement
shall enumerate the respective sums collected in each
election district, and the several sources from which
said receipts are derived; and also shall designate the
various sums disbursed in each election district, and
the purposes to which the same shall have been appro-
priated; stating with reference to the following heads
of expenditures or allowances, the aggregate amount
of each one of them separately, to wit: The pay of
each of the commissioners of the county; the pay of
the clerk, attorney, and any other person or persons
in their service; fees paid for legal services and ad-
vice; fees and allowances to public officers, distin-
guishing those to each class of officers separately: the
holding of the courts, and all charges coming under
therein requir-