CHAP. 265.
Passed Mar. 22,
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act to abolish the
office of the Commissioners of the Tax, for Charles
Days of atten-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall
be the duty of the Clerk of the Levy Court for Charles
county, to attend at the Court House in said county,
on each Monday and Tuesday, in the months of March
and April, in every year, for the purpose of making
changes and transfers of property, instead of the days
heretofore fixed by law.
Passed Mar. 22,
An act for the relief of Alexander Donoho, of Somerset
WHEREAS, by an act of the General Assembly of
Maryland, passed at December session eighteen hun-
dred and thirty four, chapter twenty six, entitled, an
act to provide for the building of a bridge across Law's
Thoroughfare, in Somerset county, certain persons
therein named were appointed commissioners to locate
the said bridge, and contract for the building thereof,
and whereas, it was made the duty of the said com-
missioners after locating said bridge, to publish the
contract for the building thereof, in the Village Her-
ald, a newspaper printed in Princess Ann, three weeks,
and then offer the same in the town of Princess Ann
at public action to the lowest and best bidder, after
sale of said contract so as aforesaid to be made, the
said commissioners were directed to report said con-
tract with the name of the purchasers, to the levy court
of the said county, and the purchaser, by the said act,
was required to give bond with security to the said
Levy Court for the faithful performance of the said
contract so as aforesaid to be made, and the said court,
upon the completion of the said bridge and the recep-