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Session Laws, 1837
Volume 601, Page 266   View pdf image
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CHAP. 261.

shall be required to attend as such, the different courts,
or to transact the business as a commissioner of said


SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the provisions of
this act shall be construed to apply only to witness
residing within the limits of Kent county, whose coun-
ty courts such witness or witnesses shall be sum-

Clerk to report
list of witness-

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the clerk of Kent county court, to report a list of
all such witnesses summoned to attend said county
court, with the distance each witness resides from the
place of holding said county court, to the best of his
judgment, to the Levy Court of said county, to enable
them to make the levy as aforesaid.

Witnesses at
count 50 cts.
per day.

SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That each and every
witness to be hereafter summoned to attend the Magis-
trates, or District Courts in said county, shall be enti-
tled to receive, instead of the sum now allowed, the


sum of fifty cents per day, and the sum of six and a
quarter cents per mile, as provided for in the first sec-
tion of this bill, to be collected and paid, as the law in
such cases already provides.


SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That all acts inconsistent
with or repugnant to the provisions of this act, so far
as the same relates to Kent county, be, and the same
are hereby repealed.


Passed Mar. 23,

An act to limit and define the operation of acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland.

Take effect 1st


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all acts of Assembly which may be passed at any
future session of the General Assembly of Maryland,
and which may relate to, or affect the general adminis-
tration of justice, or the right of property in this State,
shall operate and have effect, from and after the first
day of June next ensuing the time of the passage of


such act, and not before; provided, that the General
Assembly shall have the power by express words to be

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Session Laws, 1837
Volume 601, Page 266   View pdf image
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