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Session Laws, 1837
Volume 601, Page 265   View pdf image
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form amongst all the supervisors of said county, any

law, custom or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.


CHAP. 260.

An act to regulate the compensation of Judges of the

Levy Court, Commissioners of the Tax, and Witnes-
ses, for Kent County.

Passed Mar. 24,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That each and every Judge of the Levy
Court, and Commissioners of the Tax, for Kent coun-
ty, shall henceforth be entitled to receive the sum of one
dollar and fifty cents for each day they shall attend as
Judges of the Levy Court or Commissioners of the

$1 50 per day.

Tax, and in addition thereto, an allowance of six and
a quarter cents per mile, for every mile that his place
of residence shall be distant from Chester town, the
place where the different courts and commissioners of
the tax transact their business, to be levied, collected,
and paid in the game manner, and at the same time,
with his per diem allowance, and he shall be entitled to
receive mileage for each day he shall attend said court,
and commissioners of tax for said county.

6¼ mileage.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That each and every wit-
ness hereafter to be summoned to attend the county
courts of Kent county, shall be entitled to receive
for each day in which he or she shall attend as witness,
the sum of seventy-five cents, and in addition thereto,

Witnesses 75
cts per day.

an allowance of six and a quarter cents per mile, for
every mile that his or her place of residence shall be
distant from the place of holding the county courts of
Kent county, and to be levied, collected and paid, in
the same manner, and at the same time, with his or
her per diem allowance, and he or she shall be entitled

6¼ mileage.

to receive mileage for each and every day such witness
shall attend the court.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing contained in
this act, shall be construed to allow any judge of the
Levy court, Commissioner of the tax, or witness,
mileage, in returning to his or her residence during the
time such judge, commissioner of the tax, or witness

Not mileage on

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Session Laws, 1837
Volume 601, Page 265   View pdf image
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