WHEREAS, it has been represented to the General
Assembly, that the late Peter Brengle, late the Sheriff
of Frederick county, did, in his life time, by a certain
Mr. Annan, his deputy in that behalf, by virtue of a
fieri facias issued out of Frederick county court, and
to the said Sheriff directed, commanding him to make
a sufficiency out of the goods and chatties, lands and
tenements of one Peter Ekard, to satisfy the debt and
costs in said fieri facias, sell unto one Daniel Blick-
enstaff, all the right, title, interest and estate of the
said Peter Ekard, of, in and to a part of a tract situate
in Frederick county, called the Range about the Three
Miserable Nobbs, beginning for said part at the end of
the nineteenth or south, twenty sixth degrees west,
thirty six perches line of the whole tract aforesaid,
and running thence south, fifty degrees west, one hun-
dred and nine perches south, twenty five and a half de-
grees east, ninety six perches north, eighty one de-
grees east, thirty two perches north, fifteen degrees
west, two and a half perches south, eighty nine and a
half degrees east, fifty perches, to intersect the twen-
tieth or south, fifteen degrees east, two hundred and
forty perches line of the whole tract called the Range
about the Three Miserable Nobbs, then by and with
said line reversed, to the beginning, containing seventy
four acres more or less, and further that the purchase
money has been paid, and that the said Peter Brengle
hath since departed this life without having made a
deed of conveyance to the said Daniel Blickenstaff of
all the right, title, interest and estate of the said Peter
Ekard, of, in and to the said described part of^a tract
of land: — Therefore.